Why Should YOU Become ASPA Certified?
It shows your expertise...Customers like to do business with people that they believe are competent.
Screen printers and print shops who have earned ASPA certification have proven that they are qualified.
Employers want qualified workers… Employers hire job applicants who have the qualifications that they are looking for. Job seekers that have been trained (and certified) at a trade have a better chance at getting hired than someone who knows nothing. As in most businesses, managers of screen printing companies would rather hire job applicants who are knowledgeable.
Certification proves your knowledge… ASPA certification covers basic screen printing practices and procedures that every screen printer should know. Passing the ASPA certification exam requires a thorough knowledge of screen printing techniques, procedures and the important aspects of the screen printing process.
Professional recognition… ASPA certification recognizes and raises the professional status of screen printers by providing a standard of professional competence. Being recognized as a professional at your occupation is a source of pride and personal accomplishment for most people.
New! Help for Job Seekers:
Job Services Packet... Ebooklets to help you find employment and succeed in the screen printing industry.
Current Job Listings... Access to listings of current screen printing openings throughout the USA. Listings are updated daily.
Screen printers and print shops who have earned ASPA certification have proven that they are qualified.
Employers want qualified workers… Employers hire job applicants who have the qualifications that they are looking for. Job seekers that have been trained (and certified) at a trade have a better chance at getting hired than someone who knows nothing. As in most businesses, managers of screen printing companies would rather hire job applicants who are knowledgeable.
Certification proves your knowledge… ASPA certification covers basic screen printing practices and procedures that every screen printer should know. Passing the ASPA certification exam requires a thorough knowledge of screen printing techniques, procedures and the important aspects of the screen printing process.
Professional recognition… ASPA certification recognizes and raises the professional status of screen printers by providing a standard of professional competence. Being recognized as a professional at your occupation is a source of pride and personal accomplishment for most people.
New! Help for Job Seekers:
Job Services Packet... Ebooklets to help you find employment and succeed in the screen printing industry.
Current Job Listings... Access to listings of current screen printing openings throughout the USA. Listings are updated daily.